16-32 Grattan Cct
Wanniassa ACT 2903
Ph: (02) 6231 4447
Live Services: 10am and 6pm
Online Service: 4.30pm

I believe in the Holy Spirit

31 May We Believe in the Holy Spirit

In the month of May, we have been looking at the wonderful theme of the Holy Spirit. We looked at the word ‘Paraclete’ that Jesus used in introducing the Holy Spirit to His disciples. As we examine this name, we discover that its meaning carried great depth:

  1. He is the COUNSELLOR – The One who guides us in truth and wisdom
  2. He is the COMFORTER and CONSOLER – The One who nurtures and brings peace and comfort
  3. He is a COMPANION – The One who stands by our side and pleads our cause
  4. He is a COURAGE BUILDER – The One who strengthens us with His might
  5. He is the CONVINCER and CONVICTOR – The One who defends us
  6. He is a CHOSEN REPRESENTATIVE – The One who glorifies Jesus Christ


At the end of May we looked at the importance of continuing on in the Spirit. We looked at 4 passages in the New Testament – the hindrances to continuing on and answers to continuing on in the Spirit:

GAL 3:1-5

HINDRANCES: Human effort; truth out of balance and order; religious ritual and tradition; a misunderstanding of grace

ANSWERS: Focusing on the centrality of the cross and the message of Jesus

ROM 14:17-19

HINDRANCES : Allowing small things to cause disunity

ANSWERS: Fellowship with and in the Spirit; serving Jesus; Upholding unity

EPH 5:15-20

HINDRANCES: careless living

ANSWERS: Thanksgiving; praise and worship

2 TIM 1:5-8

HINDRANCES: Fear and Timidity

ANSWERS: Spirit of power, love and a sound mind